Official Plan Review

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The Municipality of Leamington is undertaking a review of its Official Plan – Shaping Tomorrow, Together. The Official Plan helps the Municipality make decisions on how and where the community should grow over the next 30 years. Since the current official plan was adopted in 2009, a wide range of projects, investments, and initiatives have contributed to the growth, quality of life, and efficiency of our community. This new plan is meant to build on the goals and policies outlined in the current Official Plan while adapting to the changing needs of Leamington’s ever-evolving local context. We know the community is excited to see what’s next, and we are committed to working together to prepare for a promising future for residents to live, play, and work.

The Process

The Official Plan Review is commencing in accordance with the Municipal Act (2001) and will address consistency and conformity with the ‘in force’ Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (2023), which is in the consultation phase of consideration. The review will also consider updates to the Planning Act (1990), updated growth projections, and the County of Essex Official Plan Review (underway).

The Official Plan Review will undertake the following stages:

  • Issues and Opportunities Analysis, including public engagement opportunities, stakeholder consultation, and a municipal background report;
  • Development of a Policy Directions report, including a review of current provincial policies;
  • Draft Official Plan, including opportunities for community feedback and areas for improvement; and,
  • Final Official Plan, including a statutory public meeting and presentation to Municipal Council.

This project is anticipated to be completed by Winter 2024-2025. Following the adoption of the new Official Plan, in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act, there will be a review of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 890-09, as amended. This review is intended to align the Zoning By-law to the updated policies and land use designations through Leamington’s future Official Plan and to ensure it meets the ever-changing dynamics of our business communities and residential needs.

How You Can Get Involved

Over the review process, we are committed to creating opportunities for you to share your vision for the Municipality.

  1. Stay Informed - Let’s Talk Leamington is the best resource for staying informed so you don’t miss an important date or milestone. Subscribe to project updates and join the conversation.

For project updates, please refer to the news feed section below.

The Municipality of Leamington is undertaking a review of its Official Plan – Shaping Tomorrow, Together. The Official Plan helps the Municipality make decisions on how and where the community should grow over the next 30 years. Since the current official plan was adopted in 2009, a wide range of projects, investments, and initiatives have contributed to the growth, quality of life, and efficiency of our community. This new plan is meant to build on the goals and policies outlined in the current Official Plan while adapting to the changing needs of Leamington’s ever-evolving local context. We know the community is excited to see what’s next, and we are committed to working together to prepare for a promising future for residents to live, play, and work.

The Process

The Official Plan Review is commencing in accordance with the Municipal Act (2001) and will address consistency and conformity with the ‘in force’ Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (2023), which is in the consultation phase of consideration. The review will also consider updates to the Planning Act (1990), updated growth projections, and the County of Essex Official Plan Review (underway).

The Official Plan Review will undertake the following stages:

  • Issues and Opportunities Analysis, including public engagement opportunities, stakeholder consultation, and a municipal background report;
  • Development of a Policy Directions report, including a review of current provincial policies;
  • Draft Official Plan, including opportunities for community feedback and areas for improvement; and,
  • Final Official Plan, including a statutory public meeting and presentation to Municipal Council.

This project is anticipated to be completed by Winter 2024-2025. Following the adoption of the new Official Plan, in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act, there will be a review of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 890-09, as amended. This review is intended to align the Zoning By-law to the updated policies and land use designations through Leamington’s future Official Plan and to ensure it meets the ever-changing dynamics of our business communities and residential needs.

How You Can Get Involved

Over the review process, we are committed to creating opportunities for you to share your vision for the Municipality.

  1. Stay Informed - Let’s Talk Leamington is the best resource for staying informed so you don’t miss an important date or milestone. Subscribe to project updates and join the conversation.

For project updates, please refer to the news feed section below.

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  • Share A couple questions… a successful housing plan that has been implemented in a Canadian town is the City of Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy was developed to address the growing affordability crisis in Vancouver and ensure that housing options are accessible to a diverse range of incomes. Of course an evaluation of its success and how it could be adapted could be considered for our town… One of the strengths of the plan was Inclusionary Zoning: Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy includes an inclusionary zoning policy that requires new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units. This has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing and creating mixed-income communities. I am curious if the town planner could summarize and evaluate the local housing market and demographics to determine the appropriate percentage of affordable units and implement a similar inclusionary zoning policy. Another reason for success was the Housing Innovation Fund: Vancouver established a Housing Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for innovative housing projects that address affordability challenges. This fund has been successful in encouraging the development of alternative housing models, such as co-housing and co-operatives. Has the town planner considered creating a similar fund to incentivize innovative and affordable housing solutions tailored to the specific needs of the community. Another success was the creation of Community Land Trusts: Vancouver's strategy includes the creation of Community Land Trusts (CLTs), which acquire and hold land for long-term affordable housing. CLTs ensure that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, even as property values increase., I would explore the feasibility of establishing a CLT and identify suitable land for affordable housing development…. CLT can come from different avenues including donations, legacy gifts etc Of course Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations helped too…Vancouver has successfully partnered with non-profit organizations to develop and manage affordable housing projects. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of non-profit organizations to create and maintain affordable housing options. Have any partnerships with non-profit organizations been sought out to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives to date? If not should we be considering it? What options are out their in this respect for our town? Density Bonusing strategy is a density bonusing program, which allows developers to increase the density of their projects in exchange for providing affordable housing units or contributing to the affordable housing fund. This program has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing without relying solely on public funding. Should we consider implementing a similar density bonusing program to encourage affordable housing development in areas with high demand. Thoughts? I enjoy this Public Engagement and Collaboration I am interested in knowing the feedback obtained summarized from residents, community organizations, and developers of the needs and aspirations of the community. It is a very tricky spot to determine the right path to encourage housing solutions while at the same time not getting to involved with the housing market that it disrupts/ impacts the flow of markets which is why after careful consideration I like the inclusionary housing approach. In summary An Affordable Housing Strategy is successful due to its comprehensive approach, which includes inclusionary zoning, innovative funding mechanisms, community land trusts, partnerships with non-profit organizations, density bonusing, and public engagement. I look forward to your consideration/ evaluation in the local context, continued engagement and seeing if we can adapt these successful strategies to create a housing plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of the town, ensuring affordability and inclusivity in housing options. on Facebook Share A couple questions… a successful housing plan that has been implemented in a Canadian town is the City of Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy was developed to address the growing affordability crisis in Vancouver and ensure that housing options are accessible to a diverse range of incomes. Of course an evaluation of its success and how it could be adapted could be considered for our town… One of the strengths of the plan was Inclusionary Zoning: Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy includes an inclusionary zoning policy that requires new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units. This has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing and creating mixed-income communities. I am curious if the town planner could summarize and evaluate the local housing market and demographics to determine the appropriate percentage of affordable units and implement a similar inclusionary zoning policy. Another reason for success was the Housing Innovation Fund: Vancouver established a Housing Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for innovative housing projects that address affordability challenges. This fund has been successful in encouraging the development of alternative housing models, such as co-housing and co-operatives. Has the town planner considered creating a similar fund to incentivize innovative and affordable housing solutions tailored to the specific needs of the community. Another success was the creation of Community Land Trusts: Vancouver's strategy includes the creation of Community Land Trusts (CLTs), which acquire and hold land for long-term affordable housing. CLTs ensure that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, even as property values increase., I would explore the feasibility of establishing a CLT and identify suitable land for affordable housing development…. CLT can come from different avenues including donations, legacy gifts etc Of course Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations helped too…Vancouver has successfully partnered with non-profit organizations to develop and manage affordable housing projects. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of non-profit organizations to create and maintain affordable housing options. Have any partnerships with non-profit organizations been sought out to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives to date? If not should we be considering it? What options are out their in this respect for our town? Density Bonusing strategy is a density bonusing program, which allows developers to increase the density of their projects in exchange for providing affordable housing units or contributing to the affordable housing fund. This program has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing without relying solely on public funding. Should we consider implementing a similar density bonusing program to encourage affordable housing development in areas with high demand. Thoughts? I enjoy this Public Engagement and Collaboration I am interested in knowing the feedback obtained summarized from residents, community organizations, and developers of the needs and aspirations of the community. It is a very tricky spot to determine the right path to encourage housing solutions while at the same time not getting to involved with the housing market that it disrupts/ impacts the flow of markets which is why after careful consideration I like the inclusionary housing approach. In summary An Affordable Housing Strategy is successful due to its comprehensive approach, which includes inclusionary zoning, innovative funding mechanisms, community land trusts, partnerships with non-profit organizations, density bonusing, and public engagement. I look forward to your consideration/ evaluation in the local context, continued engagement and seeing if we can adapt these successful strategies to create a housing plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of the town, ensuring affordability and inclusivity in housing options. on Twitter Share A couple questions… a successful housing plan that has been implemented in a Canadian town is the City of Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy was developed to address the growing affordability crisis in Vancouver and ensure that housing options are accessible to a diverse range of incomes. Of course an evaluation of its success and how it could be adapted could be considered for our town… One of the strengths of the plan was Inclusionary Zoning: Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy includes an inclusionary zoning policy that requires new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units. This has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing and creating mixed-income communities. I am curious if the town planner could summarize and evaluate the local housing market and demographics to determine the appropriate percentage of affordable units and implement a similar inclusionary zoning policy. Another reason for success was the Housing Innovation Fund: Vancouver established a Housing Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for innovative housing projects that address affordability challenges. This fund has been successful in encouraging the development of alternative housing models, such as co-housing and co-operatives. Has the town planner considered creating a similar fund to incentivize innovative and affordable housing solutions tailored to the specific needs of the community. Another success was the creation of Community Land Trusts: Vancouver's strategy includes the creation of Community Land Trusts (CLTs), which acquire and hold land for long-term affordable housing. CLTs ensure that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, even as property values increase., I would explore the feasibility of establishing a CLT and identify suitable land for affordable housing development…. CLT can come from different avenues including donations, legacy gifts etc Of course Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations helped too…Vancouver has successfully partnered with non-profit organizations to develop and manage affordable housing projects. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of non-profit organizations to create and maintain affordable housing options. Have any partnerships with non-profit organizations been sought out to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives to date? If not should we be considering it? What options are out their in this respect for our town? Density Bonusing strategy is a density bonusing program, which allows developers to increase the density of their projects in exchange for providing affordable housing units or contributing to the affordable housing fund. This program has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing without relying solely on public funding. Should we consider implementing a similar density bonusing program to encourage affordable housing development in areas with high demand. Thoughts? I enjoy this Public Engagement and Collaboration I am interested in knowing the feedback obtained summarized from residents, community organizations, and developers of the needs and aspirations of the community. It is a very tricky spot to determine the right path to encourage housing solutions while at the same time not getting to involved with the housing market that it disrupts/ impacts the flow of markets which is why after careful consideration I like the inclusionary housing approach. In summary An Affordable Housing Strategy is successful due to its comprehensive approach, which includes inclusionary zoning, innovative funding mechanisms, community land trusts, partnerships with non-profit organizations, density bonusing, and public engagement. I look forward to your consideration/ evaluation in the local context, continued engagement and seeing if we can adapt these successful strategies to create a housing plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of the town, ensuring affordability and inclusivity in housing options. on Linkedin Email A couple questions… a successful housing plan that has been implemented in a Canadian town is the City of Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy was developed to address the growing affordability crisis in Vancouver and ensure that housing options are accessible to a diverse range of incomes. Of course an evaluation of its success and how it could be adapted could be considered for our town… One of the strengths of the plan was Inclusionary Zoning: Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy includes an inclusionary zoning policy that requires new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units. This has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing and creating mixed-income communities. I am curious if the town planner could summarize and evaluate the local housing market and demographics to determine the appropriate percentage of affordable units and implement a similar inclusionary zoning policy. Another reason for success was the Housing Innovation Fund: Vancouver established a Housing Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for innovative housing projects that address affordability challenges. This fund has been successful in encouraging the development of alternative housing models, such as co-housing and co-operatives. Has the town planner considered creating a similar fund to incentivize innovative and affordable housing solutions tailored to the specific needs of the community. Another success was the creation of Community Land Trusts: Vancouver's strategy includes the creation of Community Land Trusts (CLTs), which acquire and hold land for long-term affordable housing. CLTs ensure that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, even as property values increase., I would explore the feasibility of establishing a CLT and identify suitable land for affordable housing development…. CLT can come from different avenues including donations, legacy gifts etc Of course Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations helped too…Vancouver has successfully partnered with non-profit organizations to develop and manage affordable housing projects. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of non-profit organizations to create and maintain affordable housing options. Have any partnerships with non-profit organizations been sought out to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives to date? If not should we be considering it? What options are out their in this respect for our town? Density Bonusing strategy is a density bonusing program, which allows developers to increase the density of their projects in exchange for providing affordable housing units or contributing to the affordable housing fund. This program has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing without relying solely on public funding. Should we consider implementing a similar density bonusing program to encourage affordable housing development in areas with high demand. Thoughts? I enjoy this Public Engagement and Collaboration I am interested in knowing the feedback obtained summarized from residents, community organizations, and developers of the needs and aspirations of the community. It is a very tricky spot to determine the right path to encourage housing solutions while at the same time not getting to involved with the housing market that it disrupts/ impacts the flow of markets which is why after careful consideration I like the inclusionary housing approach. In summary An Affordable Housing Strategy is successful due to its comprehensive approach, which includes inclusionary zoning, innovative funding mechanisms, community land trusts, partnerships with non-profit organizations, density bonusing, and public engagement. I look forward to your consideration/ evaluation in the local context, continued engagement and seeing if we can adapt these successful strategies to create a housing plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of the town, ensuring affordability and inclusivity in housing options. link

    A couple questions… a successful housing plan that has been implemented in a Canadian town is the City of Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy was developed to address the growing affordability crisis in Vancouver and ensure that housing options are accessible to a diverse range of incomes. Of course an evaluation of its success and how it could be adapted could be considered for our town… One of the strengths of the plan was Inclusionary Zoning: Vancouver's Affordable Housing Strategy includes an inclusionary zoning policy that requires new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units. This has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing and creating mixed-income communities. I am curious if the town planner could summarize and evaluate the local housing market and demographics to determine the appropriate percentage of affordable units and implement a similar inclusionary zoning policy. Another reason for success was the Housing Innovation Fund: Vancouver established a Housing Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for innovative housing projects that address affordability challenges. This fund has been successful in encouraging the development of alternative housing models, such as co-housing and co-operatives. Has the town planner considered creating a similar fund to incentivize innovative and affordable housing solutions tailored to the specific needs of the community. Another success was the creation of Community Land Trusts: Vancouver's strategy includes the creation of Community Land Trusts (CLTs), which acquire and hold land for long-term affordable housing. CLTs ensure that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, even as property values increase., I would explore the feasibility of establishing a CLT and identify suitable land for affordable housing development…. CLT can come from different avenues including donations, legacy gifts etc Of course Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations helped too…Vancouver has successfully partnered with non-profit organizations to develop and manage affordable housing projects. These partnerships leverage the expertise and resources of non-profit organizations to create and maintain affordable housing options. Have any partnerships with non-profit organizations been sought out to maximize the impact of affordable housing initiatives to date? If not should we be considering it? What options are out their in this respect for our town? Density Bonusing strategy is a density bonusing program, which allows developers to increase the density of their projects in exchange for providing affordable housing units or contributing to the affordable housing fund. This program has been successful in increasing the supply of affordable housing without relying solely on public funding. Should we consider implementing a similar density bonusing program to encourage affordable housing development in areas with high demand. Thoughts? I enjoy this Public Engagement and Collaboration I am interested in knowing the feedback obtained summarized from residents, community organizations, and developers of the needs and aspirations of the community. It is a very tricky spot to determine the right path to encourage housing solutions while at the same time not getting to involved with the housing market that it disrupts/ impacts the flow of markets which is why after careful consideration I like the inclusionary housing approach. In summary An Affordable Housing Strategy is successful due to its comprehensive approach, which includes inclusionary zoning, innovative funding mechanisms, community land trusts, partnerships with non-profit organizations, density bonusing, and public engagement. I look forward to your consideration/ evaluation in the local context, continued engagement and seeing if we can adapt these successful strategies to create a housing plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of the town, ensuring affordability and inclusivity in housing options.

    Mandiq asked 10 months ago

    Thank you for participating in the Let’s Talk Leamington process. We are forwarding your questions and comments to our consultant for review and consideration.

  • Share One of the major themes at our table was the need for common-sense permit process that is easy for people to understand and helps streamline the process. Maybe we could take a closer look and understand when it comes to permits what’s happening. 1. Clear and Accessible Information: - Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the building permit process, including requirements, procedures, and timelines. This information should be available online, in brochures, or at a dedicated permit center…. - Use plain language to explain technical terms and requirements , avoiding jargon or complex terminology. - Clearly outline the necessary documents, forms, and fees required for each type of permit application. 2. Pre-Application Meetings: - Offer pre-application meetings with applicants to discuss project requirements, zoning regulations, and any potential issues or concerns. This allows applicants to clarify doubts and understand the process better, reducing mistakes and delays. - During these meetings, provide guidance on how to prepare a complete and accurate application, including necessary documents and plans. 3. Streamlined Review Process: - Establish a streamlined review process by assigning a dedicated project manager or permit coordinator who acts as a single point of contact for the applicant. This coordinator ensures that the application moves smoothly through the review process and communicates updates to the applicant. - Implement concurrent reviews whenever possible, where different departments or agencies review the application simultaneously rather than sequentially. This reduces the overall review time and prevents unnecessary delays. 4. Online Permitting System: - Implement an online permitting system that allows applicants to submit applications, track their progress, and receive updates electronically. This system should also provide online payment options for fees. - Make sure the online system is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible across different devices and platforms. Provide clear instructions and tutorials for using the system. 5. Expedited Review for Simple Projects: - Identify simple projects that meet certain criteria (e.g., small additions, interior renovations) and offer expedited review processes for them. Simplify the requirements and review procedures for these projects to speed up the process. - Consider implementing self-certification programs, where licensed professionals can certify that their designs comply with all applicable codes and regulations, eliminating the need for additional review by the municipality. 6. Regular Communication and Updates: - Maintain regular communication with applicants throughout the permit process, providing updates on the status of their application and any additional information required. - Offer multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, or in-person meetings, to address applicant inquiries or concerns promptly. 7. Continuous Process Improvement: - Regularly review and evaluate the permit process to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for automation. Solicit feedback from applicants, developers, and staff to identify pain points and implement solutions. - Benchmark the permit process against best practices from other jurisdictions and explore opportunities for adopting proven practices. By implementing these guidelines and proven practices through a streamlined process will help reduce delays, improve customer satisfaction, and promote economic development in the community. I think it should be important to attach reasonable response outline for town employees as the number one complaint from a variety of people was slow responses… late permits, or sometimes questions not responded to at all. I think if we focus of some little details like the flow of the basic processes for our town it would not only calm a common complaint but it will allow us to have strong bases for growth. I’m not 100 percent sure of the right solution but I think after the town meeting for the official plan it is important matter to start somewhere.. hopefully these suggestions can be built upon by staff for a solution on Facebook Share One of the major themes at our table was the need for common-sense permit process that is easy for people to understand and helps streamline the process. Maybe we could take a closer look and understand when it comes to permits what’s happening. 1. Clear and Accessible Information: - Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the building permit process, including requirements, procedures, and timelines. This information should be available online, in brochures, or at a dedicated permit center…. - Use plain language to explain technical terms and requirements , avoiding jargon or complex terminology. - Clearly outline the necessary documents, forms, and fees required for each type of permit application. 2. Pre-Application Meetings: - Offer pre-application meetings with applicants to discuss project requirements, zoning regulations, and any potential issues or concerns. This allows applicants to clarify doubts and understand the process better, reducing mistakes and delays. - During these meetings, provide guidance on how to prepare a complete and accurate application, including necessary documents and plans. 3. Streamlined Review Process: - Establish a streamlined review process by assigning a dedicated project manager or permit coordinator who acts as a single point of contact for the applicant. This coordinator ensures that the application moves smoothly through the review process and communicates updates to the applicant. - Implement concurrent reviews whenever possible, where different departments or agencies review the application simultaneously rather than sequentially. This reduces the overall review time and prevents unnecessary delays. 4. Online Permitting System: - Implement an online permitting system that allows applicants to submit applications, track their progress, and receive updates electronically. This system should also provide online payment options for fees. - Make sure the online system is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible across different devices and platforms. Provide clear instructions and tutorials for using the system. 5. Expedited Review for Simple Projects: - Identify simple projects that meet certain criteria (e.g., small additions, interior renovations) and offer expedited review processes for them. Simplify the requirements and review procedures for these projects to speed up the process. - Consider implementing self-certification programs, where licensed professionals can certify that their designs comply with all applicable codes and regulations, eliminating the need for additional review by the municipality. 6. Regular Communication and Updates: - Maintain regular communication with applicants throughout the permit process, providing updates on the status of their application and any additional information required. - Offer multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, or in-person meetings, to address applicant inquiries or concerns promptly. 7. Continuous Process Improvement: - Regularly review and evaluate the permit process to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for automation. Solicit feedback from applicants, developers, and staff to identify pain points and implement solutions. - Benchmark the permit process against best practices from other jurisdictions and explore opportunities for adopting proven practices. By implementing these guidelines and proven practices through a streamlined process will help reduce delays, improve customer satisfaction, and promote economic development in the community. I think it should be important to attach reasonable response outline for town employees as the number one complaint from a variety of people was slow responses… late permits, or sometimes questions not responded to at all. I think if we focus of some little details like the flow of the basic processes for our town it would not only calm a common complaint but it will allow us to have strong bases for growth. I’m not 100 percent sure of the right solution but I think after the town meeting for the official plan it is important matter to start somewhere.. hopefully these suggestions can be built upon by staff for a solution on Twitter Share One of the major themes at our table was the need for common-sense permit process that is easy for people to understand and helps streamline the process. Maybe we could take a closer look and understand when it comes to permits what’s happening. 1. Clear and Accessible Information: - Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the building permit process, including requirements, procedures, and timelines. This information should be available online, in brochures, or at a dedicated permit center…. - Use plain language to explain technical terms and requirements , avoiding jargon or complex terminology. - Clearly outline the necessary documents, forms, and fees required for each type of permit application. 2. Pre-Application Meetings: - Offer pre-application meetings with applicants to discuss project requirements, zoning regulations, and any potential issues or concerns. This allows applicants to clarify doubts and understand the process better, reducing mistakes and delays. - During these meetings, provide guidance on how to prepare a complete and accurate application, including necessary documents and plans. 3. Streamlined Review Process: - Establish a streamlined review process by assigning a dedicated project manager or permit coordinator who acts as a single point of contact for the applicant. This coordinator ensures that the application moves smoothly through the review process and communicates updates to the applicant. - Implement concurrent reviews whenever possible, where different departments or agencies review the application simultaneously rather than sequentially. This reduces the overall review time and prevents unnecessary delays. 4. Online Permitting System: - Implement an online permitting system that allows applicants to submit applications, track their progress, and receive updates electronically. This system should also provide online payment options for fees. - Make sure the online system is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible across different devices and platforms. Provide clear instructions and tutorials for using the system. 5. Expedited Review for Simple Projects: - Identify simple projects that meet certain criteria (e.g., small additions, interior renovations) and offer expedited review processes for them. Simplify the requirements and review procedures for these projects to speed up the process. - Consider implementing self-certification programs, where licensed professionals can certify that their designs comply with all applicable codes and regulations, eliminating the need for additional review by the municipality. 6. Regular Communication and Updates: - Maintain regular communication with applicants throughout the permit process, providing updates on the status of their application and any additional information required. - Offer multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, or in-person meetings, to address applicant inquiries or concerns promptly. 7. Continuous Process Improvement: - Regularly review and evaluate the permit process to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for automation. Solicit feedback from applicants, developers, and staff to identify pain points and implement solutions. - Benchmark the permit process against best practices from other jurisdictions and explore opportunities for adopting proven practices. By implementing these guidelines and proven practices through a streamlined process will help reduce delays, improve customer satisfaction, and promote economic development in the community. I think it should be important to attach reasonable response outline for town employees as the number one complaint from a variety of people was slow responses… late permits, or sometimes questions not responded to at all. I think if we focus of some little details like the flow of the basic processes for our town it would not only calm a common complaint but it will allow us to have strong bases for growth. I’m not 100 percent sure of the right solution but I think after the town meeting for the official plan it is important matter to start somewhere.. hopefully these suggestions can be built upon by staff for a solution on Linkedin Email One of the major themes at our table was the need for common-sense permit process that is easy for people to understand and helps streamline the process. Maybe we could take a closer look and understand when it comes to permits what’s happening. 1. Clear and Accessible Information: - Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the building permit process, including requirements, procedures, and timelines. This information should be available online, in brochures, or at a dedicated permit center…. - Use plain language to explain technical terms and requirements , avoiding jargon or complex terminology. - Clearly outline the necessary documents, forms, and fees required for each type of permit application. 2. Pre-Application Meetings: - Offer pre-application meetings with applicants to discuss project requirements, zoning regulations, and any potential issues or concerns. This allows applicants to clarify doubts and understand the process better, reducing mistakes and delays. - During these meetings, provide guidance on how to prepare a complete and accurate application, including necessary documents and plans. 3. Streamlined Review Process: - Establish a streamlined review process by assigning a dedicated project manager or permit coordinator who acts as a single point of contact for the applicant. This coordinator ensures that the application moves smoothly through the review process and communicates updates to the applicant. - Implement concurrent reviews whenever possible, where different departments or agencies review the application simultaneously rather than sequentially. This reduces the overall review time and prevents unnecessary delays. 4. Online Permitting System: - Implement an online permitting system that allows applicants to submit applications, track their progress, and receive updates electronically. This system should also provide online payment options for fees. - Make sure the online system is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible across different devices and platforms. Provide clear instructions and tutorials for using the system. 5. Expedited Review for Simple Projects: - Identify simple projects that meet certain criteria (e.g., small additions, interior renovations) and offer expedited review processes for them. Simplify the requirements and review procedures for these projects to speed up the process. - Consider implementing self-certification programs, where licensed professionals can certify that their designs comply with all applicable codes and regulations, eliminating the need for additional review by the municipality. 6. Regular Communication and Updates: - Maintain regular communication with applicants throughout the permit process, providing updates on the status of their application and any additional information required. - Offer multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, or in-person meetings, to address applicant inquiries or concerns promptly. 7. Continuous Process Improvement: - Regularly review and evaluate the permit process to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for automation. Solicit feedback from applicants, developers, and staff to identify pain points and implement solutions. - Benchmark the permit process against best practices from other jurisdictions and explore opportunities for adopting proven practices. By implementing these guidelines and proven practices through a streamlined process will help reduce delays, improve customer satisfaction, and promote economic development in the community. I think it should be important to attach reasonable response outline for town employees as the number one complaint from a variety of people was slow responses… late permits, or sometimes questions not responded to at all. I think if we focus of some little details like the flow of the basic processes for our town it would not only calm a common complaint but it will allow us to have strong bases for growth. I’m not 100 percent sure of the right solution but I think after the town meeting for the official plan it is important matter to start somewhere.. hopefully these suggestions can be built upon by staff for a solution link

    One of the major themes at our table was the need for common-sense permit process that is easy for people to understand and helps streamline the process. Maybe we could take a closer look and understand when it comes to permits what’s happening. 1. Clear and Accessible Information: - Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the building permit process, including requirements, procedures, and timelines. This information should be available online, in brochures, or at a dedicated permit center…. - Use plain language to explain technical terms and requirements , avoiding jargon or complex terminology. - Clearly outline the necessary documents, forms, and fees required for each type of permit application. 2. Pre-Application Meetings: - Offer pre-application meetings with applicants to discuss project requirements, zoning regulations, and any potential issues or concerns. This allows applicants to clarify doubts and understand the process better, reducing mistakes and delays. - During these meetings, provide guidance on how to prepare a complete and accurate application, including necessary documents and plans. 3. Streamlined Review Process: - Establish a streamlined review process by assigning a dedicated project manager or permit coordinator who acts as a single point of contact for the applicant. This coordinator ensures that the application moves smoothly through the review process and communicates updates to the applicant. - Implement concurrent reviews whenever possible, where different departments or agencies review the application simultaneously rather than sequentially. This reduces the overall review time and prevents unnecessary delays. 4. Online Permitting System: - Implement an online permitting system that allows applicants to submit applications, track their progress, and receive updates electronically. This system should also provide online payment options for fees. - Make sure the online system is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible across different devices and platforms. Provide clear instructions and tutorials for using the system. 5. Expedited Review for Simple Projects: - Identify simple projects that meet certain criteria (e.g., small additions, interior renovations) and offer expedited review processes for them. Simplify the requirements and review procedures for these projects to speed up the process. - Consider implementing self-certification programs, where licensed professionals can certify that their designs comply with all applicable codes and regulations, eliminating the need for additional review by the municipality. 6. Regular Communication and Updates: - Maintain regular communication with applicants throughout the permit process, providing updates on the status of their application and any additional information required. - Offer multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, or in-person meetings, to address applicant inquiries or concerns promptly. 7. Continuous Process Improvement: - Regularly review and evaluate the permit process to identify bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for automation. Solicit feedback from applicants, developers, and staff to identify pain points and implement solutions. - Benchmark the permit process against best practices from other jurisdictions and explore opportunities for adopting proven practices. By implementing these guidelines and proven practices through a streamlined process will help reduce delays, improve customer satisfaction, and promote economic development in the community. I think it should be important to attach reasonable response outline for town employees as the number one complaint from a variety of people was slow responses… late permits, or sometimes questions not responded to at all. I think if we focus of some little details like the flow of the basic processes for our town it would not only calm a common complaint but it will allow us to have strong bases for growth. I’m not 100 percent sure of the right solution but I think after the town meeting for the official plan it is important matter to start somewhere.. hopefully these suggestions can be built upon by staff for a solution

    Mandiq asked 10 months ago

    Thank you for your comprehensive and insightful feedback on improving our permit process. We appreciate your emphasis on providing clear and accessible information about the permit process and the importance of using plain language to make the process more transparent and user-friendly. 

    We also acknowledge your points on the importance of a streamlined review process, an efficient online permitting system, expedited reviews for simpler projects, and the necessity for regular communication and updates. Your suggestion to continuously review and improve the permit process, including benchmarking against best practices from other jurisdictions, is a critical component of our ongoing efforts to improve service delivery. We are committed to addressing the concerns about response times and ensuring that our processes are efficient and responsive to the needs of our community. Your input is valuable in helping us identify areas for improvement, and we are dedicated to building upon these suggestions to develop effective solutions that support the growth and development of our community.

  • Share Can the public access the survey link without having to register for Let's Talk? It becomes an added barrier to sharing the survey on Facebook Share Can the public access the survey link without having to register for Let's Talk? It becomes an added barrier to sharing the survey on Twitter Share Can the public access the survey link without having to register for Let's Talk? It becomes an added barrier to sharing the survey on Linkedin Email Can the public access the survey link without having to register for Let's Talk? It becomes an added barrier to sharing the survey link

    Can the public access the survey link without having to register for Let's Talk? It becomes an added barrier to sharing the survey

    Karlene asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for reaching out with your question about accessing the survey link without registering for Let's Talk Leamington. We appreciate your interest in our community engagement efforts, and we're happy to provide some insight into our process.

    While we understand that registering for Let's Talk Leamington may seem like an additional step, it is an essential component of our community engagement strategy. The registration requirement is in place for several important reasons.

    Firstly, requiring residents to sign up for our community engagement portal helps ensure that the feedback and opinions we collect come from residents. This step is crucial in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the data we gather through surveys. By confirming the identity of participants, we can be confident that the insights we receive truly represent the diverse perspectives within our community.

    Secondly, the registration process allows for better tracking and analysis of responses. This is instrumental in effective data management and aids in the decision-making processes. Accurate and detailed information about our participants enables us to understand the needs and preferences of the community, facilitating more informed and targeted decision-making.

    Moreover, by having participants sign up, we establish a direct line of communication. This allows us to keep participants informed about any updates, changes, or improvements based on the survey results. It creates a dynamic and collaborative relationship between the Municipality and the community, fostering transparency and responsiveness.

    We acknowledge that the sign-up process adds a step to survey participation, and we appreciate your understanding of the reasons behind this requirement. Our goal is to ensure that our community engagement efforts are meaningful, impactful, and reflective of the diverse voices within our community.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued participation in shaping the future of Leamington.

  • Share Is there any plans to regulate or eliminate Short Term Rentals in Leamington? on Facebook Share Is there any plans to regulate or eliminate Short Term Rentals in Leamington? on Twitter Share Is there any plans to regulate or eliminate Short Term Rentals in Leamington? on Linkedin Email Is there any plans to regulate or eliminate Short Term Rentals in Leamington? link

    Is there any plans to regulate or eliminate Short Term Rentals in Leamington?

    DanC asked 11 months ago

    We anticipate that the Official Plan and Zoning By-law review will include a review of the short-term rental industry and will result in recommendations regarding this industry as it relates to the Municipality’s Zoning By-law.

Page last updated: 30 Sep 2024, 02:33 PM