Today at the gym

An observation really, I get it. She was just doing her job, but I got thinking on it and though; maybe others should and you could empower your employees to be more community or person-minded.

I came via a volunteer driver from Kingsville to return to your pool, I'm a former member and volunteering in Leamington. It was difficult to get there, I have disabilities and a need for movement in the water, sometimes it's desperate and today it was. It would have been obvious to your worker. I am on the cameras on the couch from about 8:45 to 9:45 (female all in black).

I had cash, no debit or credit. I was quickly and curtly denied access. I offered to etransfer or pay on Thursday when I would return again. I explained that I really needed to swim and that I had no way of leaving until almost 10 and asked what we could do. So I quietly took my $10 bill back, put it in my bag, teared up and couldn't respond to her and went and sat and waited.

Point of contention: Cash is Canadian Legal Tender and I have every right to use it exclusively as a Canadian Citizen to gain access to things I need. That is a battle for another day.

I was reading the wall of donors, many of their names I know. I considered being offended and calling managers for The Town and be angry.

I am honestly, just sad to think that you turned someone away, vulnerable, hurting and clearly communicating that...for $9.75 and that is clearly not your mission or the intent of your donors.

So, do better, be better, help others. I'll do the same. I didn't want to ruin your Civil Servant's day becuase I had hurt feelings and maybe she was just doing what she was told to do....but that is sad too, right?

I would have pulled out my personal debit card, paid for the client, told my boss I had done it and put my head on the pillow knowing I helped someone in my community. Why am I the exception and not the rule? We need to be better and empower our people to be too.

Let's see here what Peter Neufeld thinks of this story. I leave it here in faith, that this may never happen to someone else again. My number is in my profile or you have my email.

TA Wilson

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