Municipality of Leamington Official Plan Review - Notice of Commencement and Public Open House #1
The Municipality of Leamington is undertaking a review of its Official Plan – Shaping Tomorrow, Together. The Official Plan helps the Municipality make decisions on how and where the community should grow over the next 30 years. Since the current Official Plan was adopted in 2009, there have been a wide range of projects, investments and initiatives to contribute to the growth, quality of life, and efficiency of our community. This new plan is meant to build on the goals and policies outlined in the current Official Plan, while adapting to the changing needs of Leamington’s ever-evolving local context. We know the community is excited to see what’s next, and we are committed to working together to prepare for a promising future for residents to live, play, and work.
The Process:
The Official Plan Review is commencing in accordance with the Municipal Act (2001) and will address consistency and conformity with the ‘in force’ Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (2023), which is in the consultation phase of consideration. The review will also consider updates to the Planning Act (1990), updated growth projections, and the County of Essex Official Plan Review (underway). Following approval of the new Official Plan, there will also be a review of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law to ensure it meets the ever-changing dynamics of our business communities and residential needs.
We Want to Hear from You!
To kick off the Official Plan Review process, a public survey will be available to gather feedback on issues, concerns, and opportunities throughout Leamington. The online survey will be available until noon on Thursday, December 7, 2023, at
Public Open House #1:
A Public Open House will be held to introduce the Official Plan Review and gather your feedback on your vision for Leamington, and opportunities and issues across the Municipality. We will also be sharing the Municipality’s goals and objectives for the Official Plan, and provide a summary of what we have heard from you so far through the online survey. There will be a short presentation at the beginning of the Open House, followed by group discussions.
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre, 249 Sherk Street, Leamington Ontario
Join Online: (Weblink) link) (Phone Number) +1 647 374 4685
If you require any additional information, would like to be added to the project contact list or submit a question, please visit the Municipality’s website at or contact:
Ruth Orton |
Amy Farkas |
Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Planning Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record and will be released, if requested, to any person.
Notice first issued on Friday, November 10, 2023.

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