Notice of Public Meeting to Consider a Municipally Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment
A public meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 6:00 PM to provide information to Council and the public, as well as to receive input on a proposed zoning amendment for the former Leamington District Secondary School site located at 125 Talbot Street West. The Municipality acquired the property in 2020 to encourage the development of attainable and affordable housing to address the current housing shortage in Leamington.
The Zoning By-law Amendment application has been initiated by the Municipality to change the current zoning of the property from Institutional (I) to a site-specific Residential (R4) Zone to allow for future mixed-use and residential development. The Zoning By-law Amendment will provide opportunities for residential intensification and includes limited mixed-use opportunities for residentially supportive commercial uses of daycare centres, retail stores, and personal service uses.
The proposed amendment seeks to permit a range and variety of housing types including low-rise structures such as semi-detached dwellings, townhouses and multi-unit dwellings, as well as apartment-style buildings not exceeding 6 storeys in height. The amendment will also establish site-specific zone provisions for residential parking ratios and zoning provisions for the proposed commercial uses.
The amendment is being considered together with studies prepared by Dillon Consulting Ltd. in support of the proposed mixed-use residential development including a Functional Servicing Study, storm water management and sanitary servicing briefs, a Transportation Impact Study and a Planning Justification Report. The studies and supporting documentation can be found in the Document section.
Review the full notice for information on how to provide written or verbal comments at the meeting.
You can view the meeting live at

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