Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting to Consider a Municipally Initiated OPA and ZBA
The Municipality has initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 21 and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) No. 271 to amend the current land use designation and zoning of the property at 126 Talbot Street West, the former Leamington high school parking lot. The applications seek to repurpose the former high school parking lot for commercial uses which will meet the needs of the surrounding neighborhood. The lands are currently designated for Industrial development in the Leamington Official Plan (2008) and are zoned Institutional (I) under Zoning By-law 890-09, as amended.
The proposed amendments will redesignate the lands to “Western Commercial District” within the Official Plan and rezone the lands to a site-specific Commercial General (C6) Zone. The proposed site-specific zoning will allow for limited commercial uses, including retail stores, grocery stores, offices (including professional and medical offices), personal and other service uses, clinics, and accessory uses and establish site specific zone provisions for lot coverage and parking. The proposed amendments have been prepared together with several studies prepared by Dillon Consulting Ltd in support of the proposed commercial uses including the following, Functional Servicing Study, Transportation Impact Study and Planning Justification Report. A conceptual plan to provide insight to the possible redevelopment opportunities of the subject property is available for illustration and discussion purposes only.
Review the full notice for information on how to provide written or verbal comments at the meeting.
You can view the meeting live at

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